Aliexpress Seller Checker

Basic Information

Store # 1497247
Opened 28 October, 2014 (10 years 3 months back)
Location Zhejiang
Seller Rating 1988
Positive Feedbacks 99.70%

Rating Details

Item as Described 4.9
2.51% Above Avarage
Communication 4.9
3.16% Above Avarage
Shipping Speed 4.8
3.00% Above Avarage

Feedback History

Feedbacks 1 Month 3 Monthes Half Year
Positive 131 402 608
Neutral - 2 3
Negative - 2 2
Positive Feedbacks 100.0% 99.5% 99.7%

Information about seller

The seller has been registered at AliExpress for more than 2 years
The seller is very quick and responsive while communicating with the customers
The goods do appear exactly as they described and shown on the pictures
The orders get shipped very quickly
High rating at AliExpress
There are many positive feedback during last 6 months
Tere are many orders during last 3 months

This is an excellent seller. You can make an order without fear!

Seller's rating: 10 of 10