Zhezkazgan Post of Kazakhstan
Delivery, Zhezkazgan, Delivered to recipient
09.01.2023 15:16 (Elapsed time: 75 daysupdate: 712 days)
tracking has stopped
Arrived to the point of delivery, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
09.01.2023 12:27
Arrived at Sort Facility, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
09.01.2023 12:26
Arrived at Sort Facility, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
09.01.2023 12:22
Arrived at Sort Facility, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
09.01.2023 12:11
Processed through Sort Facility, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
09.01.2023 10:17
Processed through Sort Facility, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
09.01.2023 10:14
Sorting/Classification, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
08.01.2023 16:48
Arrived at Sort Facility, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
07.01.2023 15:46
Arrived at Sort Facility, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
06.01.2023 21:40
Arrived at Sort Facility, Zhezkazgan
Post of Kazakhstan
06.01.2023 19:26
Processed through Sort Facility, Karaganda
Post of Kazakhstan
04.01.2023 06:41
Processed through Sort Facility, Karaganda
Post of Kazakhstan
03.01.2023 20:55
Processed through Sort Facility, Karaganda
Post of Kazakhstan
02.01.2023 22:35
Sorting/Classification, Karaganda
Post of Kazakhstan
31.12.2022 01:31
Arrived at Sort Facility, Karaganda
Post of Kazakhstan
30.12.2022 17:28
Arrived at Sort Facility, Karaganda
Post of Kazakhstan
30.12.2022 16:34
Processed through Sort Facility, Kaztsik
Post of Kazakhstan
29.12.2022 06:29
Processed through Sort Facility, Kaztsik
Post of Kazakhstan
29.12.2022 03:14
Sorting/Classification, Kaztsik
Post of Kazakhstan
25.12.2022 23:21
Customs Clearance processing complete, Kaztsik.
Post of Kazakhstan
25.12.2022 20:13
Sorting/Classification, Kaztsik
Post of Kazakhstan
25.12.2022 18:45
Customs Clearance, Almaty
25.12.2022 18:45
Customs Clearance, Kaztsik
Post of Kazakhstan
25.12.2022 18:45
Arrived at Sort Facility, Almaty
25.12.2022 18:35
Arrived to the postal service, Kaztsik
Post of Kazakhstan
25.12.2022 18:35
Import, Almaty
25.12.2022 15:27
Arrived at Sort Facility, Urumqi
12.12.2022 17:49
Processed through Sort Facility, Urumqi
12.12.2022 17:46
Left the transfer point, Urumqi
12.12.2022 16:55
Processed through Sort Facility, Urumqi
12.12.2022 10:29
Arrived to the transfer point, Urumqi
11.12.2022 06:25
Processed through Sort Facility, Guangzhou
10.12.2022 07:21
Processed through Sort Facility, Guangzhou
09.12.2022 16:40
Processed through Sort Facility, Guangzhou
09.12.2022 11:22
Arrived to the transfer point, Guangzhou
05.11.2022 23:49
Processed through Sort Facility, Dongguan
05.11.2022 21:08
Arrived at Sort Facility, Dongguan
05.11.2022 17:10
Arrived to the transfer point, Dongguan
05.11.2022 17:10
Processed through Sort Facility, Dongguan
02.11.2022 10:07
Arrived to the postal service, Dongguan
02.11.2022 10:07
Processed through Sort Facility, Dongguan
27.10.2022 09:45
Left the international exchange point, Dongguan
27.10.2022 09:45
Awaiting the next stage of processing, Dongguan
27.10.2022 04:07
Arrived at Sort Facility, Dongguan
27.10.2022 04:07
Arrived to the postal service, Dongguan
27.10.2022 04:07
Information about the parcel has arrived in electronic form
25.10.2022 16:28
The parcel has been added to the site
25.10.2022 18:44
Last check for updates 1 year 11 months ago
The data was updated 1 year 11 months ago

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