Ukraine Post of France
Failed delivery attempt
02.02.2015 00:00 (Elapsed time: 3524 daysupdate: 3519 days)
Arrived to the point of delivery
Post of France
02.02.2015 00:00
Customs Clearance
Post of France
31.01.2015 00:00
Post of France
31.01.2015 00:00
Left the postal service, Chilly Mazarin
Post of France
29.01.2015 00:00
Sorting/Classification, Chilly Mazarin
Post of France
29.01.2015 00:00
Post of France
28.01.2015 00:00
Arrived to the postal service, Rixheim
Post of France
28.01.2015 00:00
The parcel has been added to the site
07.02.2015 01:29
Last check for updates 1 month 3 days ago
The data was updated 9 years 7 months ago

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