Всем привет. А вас никого не удивляет что это все у одного продавца. По крайне мере имя Polo.
Продавец деньги отдавать отказался.Перевел в претензию. Алишники ответили следующее:
To move forward with this case, buyer needs to confirm with us whether the goods are received by 2013-12-12. If buyer has received the goods in good condition, please cancel this claim and confirm order received.
Dispute Order On Aliexpress
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.
The current status of your claim is: 'Awaiting the other party's response'. Please log in to to check the status of your case. If you have evidence or proposal to provide, please click 'Respond Now'.
Dear ,
Thank you for contacting Alibaba. I am sorry to hear that you haven't received your order .
According to the shipping information, the package has been shipped out by the seller and it is in transit. Please wait in patience and confirm with us whether you have received the goods by 2013-12-12. We kindly suggest you need positively negotiate with your seller regarding this dispute.
If you have received the goods in good condition, please cancel this claim and confirm order received. If we don't receive any feedback about the product problems after the goods are delivered, we will release the payment to your seller based on the delivery information.
PS: If there’s any agreement reached with the supplier before this case is closed, please provide your supportive evidence on the complaint center. Or AliExpress shall have the right to proceed to handle the Claim based on the supporting documents available and/or the settlement terms reached in the Order Messages within the Time Limit between the Buyer and the Supplier.
Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated.
Best regards,
AliExpress Case Management Team
Я им в ответ пишу:
The seller independently chose delivery by Baolay transport company. The price includes delivery, surface mail, China. I chose delivery, knowing that I can trace. This action in coordination with me wasn't. I and all buyers who are connected with the Baolay company, am doubts in the authenticity of a site provided by the seller. This site was created to mislead administration of Aliekspress and buyers. The present, respecting and clients of the company transport never to afford such bad site created on the basis of a template. In the address of this site there is no organization name, only a set of figures - the Site at any time can change a field of activity. In tracing information in a status mistake in dates. You can see everything at once. Real transport company aren't able to afford to have such status:
http://www.scamadviser.com/check-web...ww.086-007.com Messages with the seller, at the order will give you fuller picture. I think that the parcel was sent or an unknown method without tracing numbers, or weren't sent in general. And this site is used as a smoke screen to distract attention. I ask you to check transport company existence
www.086-007.com .
Посмотрим что будет дальше. Мне кажется чем больше будет подобных претензий больше шансов. Ждать у моря погоды не вижу смысла.
Как связаться с покупателями можно посмотреть тут
http://newshopper.ru/feedbacks/item/...necting-people .
Уже связывался все всем довольны,но им не отправляли Баолаем.
При открытии диспута вы влюбом случае ничего не теряете.Главное до получения денег или товара его не закрывать.!А так можно и счетчик проворонить. Всем удачных покупок и по меньше Баолаев!!
Пообщался только что с одним из последних покупателей.Он доволен покупкой. Ему отравили обычной почтой китая.За месяц дошла.